Cabbage salad (diabetic diet) 당뇨병환자 식단 양배추 샐러드
Diet for diabetics (1,800 Cal) Breakfast hamburger sandwich 150g, cabbage salad 150g, milk 180cc Lunch Barley Rice 200g, Tofu Hot Pot 210g, Green Pepper Steamed 130g, Seaweed Cucumber Seasoned 80g, Water Kimchi Liver Tuna Sandwich 77g, Orange Juice 160cc Dinner bean sprout rice 280g, clam miso soup 150g, liver roast 70g, cucumber sprouts 60g, kimchi, milk 180cc Nutritional standard calories 1,80..
How to cook corn soup (diabetic diet) 당뇨병 식단 옥수수 수프 조리방법에 대해
Diet for diabetics (1,600 Cal) Breakfast 200g, miso soup 160g, steamed egg 60g, spinach greens, milk 180cc, kkakdugi Lunch sandwich 140g, 1 fruit, *corn soup 150cc Dinner 200g, Jogi Maeuntang 200g, Cold Vegetables, Radish Cheong Kimchi Nutritional standard calories 1,600Cal, sugar 222g, protein 77g, fat 45g Ingredients and recipes Corn-10g, consomme-1 serving, starch powder-5g Boil the corn, gri..
Boiled green chilli pepper diabetes type 당뇨병 식단 풋고추 병어조림
Diet for diabetics (1,800 Cal) Breakfast rice 250g, mallow soup 210g, raw vegetables 200g, green pepper stew 120g, milk 180cc Lunch Soba 210g, Steamed Egg 100g, Eggplant Stir-Fried, Egg Milk 140g Dinner 100g, Beef Grilled with Wine 80g, French Salad Nutritional standard calories 1,800Cal, protein 80g, fat 54g, sugar 262g Ingredients and recipes Poultry-50g, green pepper-10g, seasoning Trim the p..
Steamed beef meatballs (gallbladder, pancreatic salt) 찜 소고기 완자 담낭 식단 조리법
Steamed beef meatballs (gallbladder, pancreatic salt) Diet for patients with gallbladder and pancreatitis after Venus (Stopping method) 7:00 Lemon milk Morning white porridge 300g, water parsley vinegar 100g, shiitake mushroom white steamed 100g, white meat boiled fish 130g, nabak kimchi Lunch white porridge 200g, Tangmyeon soup 130g, *Beef Wanji steamed 120g, Green pumpkin sprouts 60g, Nabak ki..
Parsley vinegar seasoning (gallbladder, pancreatitis) 미나리 초무침 췌장염 식단 담낭 식단
Parsley vinegar seasoning (gallbladder, pancreatitis) Diet for patients with gallbladder and pancreatitis after Venus (Stopping method) 7:00 Lemon milk Morning white porridge 300g, *water parsley vinegar 100g, shiitake mushroom white steamed 100g, white meat boiled fish 130g, nabak kimchi Lunch white porridge 200g, Tangmyeon soup 130g, Beef Wanji steamed 120g, Green 랜공사 pumpkin sprouts 60g, Naba..