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Sweet potato and apple seasoning. kidney disease 고구마 사과무침 요리법

Sweet potato and apple seasoning (kidney disease)


Diet for people with kidney disease

(Acute nephritis diuretic, 35-55g protein meal)

Morning toast 75g, French salad 100g, fried egg 50g, black tea

360 g of kimbap for lunch, 85 g of spinach herbs

160 g of snack strawberry jelly

Dinner 300g, tofu chili 200g, *sweet potato and apple

seasoning 150g, radish raw vegetables 50g

Nutrition Standard Calorie 2,040Cal, Protein 53g,

Sodium 4,300mg, Potassium 1,450mg

Ingredients and recipes

Sweet potatoes -80g, apples -1/2, butter -1

teaspoon, sugar -1 tablespoon


Peel the sweet potatoes vitamint.kr and soak them in cold water.

Apples are diced, and sweet potatoes are boiled and crushed.

Mix the crushed sweet potatoes with butter and sugar evenly.

Mix the tossed sweet potatoes and apples and serve on a plate.

When choosing food


Cereals and Sugar-Used without restrictions to replenish calories,

but when protein is extremely limited


 The amount is limited in order to consume even a small amount of animal

protein, which is of higher quality than the protein of grain beef.

In particular, bread is made at home by limiting the use of

additives such as baking powder and salt.


(It is good to use low-protein flour.) Potatoes, taro,

and sweet potatoes are also good.

They consume a lot of sugar, such as sugar, which is a pure sugar food,

as a supplement to the calories that are insufficient.


If you eat for a long time, it is easy to get tired of it, so it is good to

use carolaina, which is not sweet and is a calorie supplement.

Oils and fats-When there is no abnormality in blood pressure,

either vegetable or animal is good.

Avoid butter, margarine, and mayonnaise

if salt is extremely limited.

고구마 및 사과 조미료 (신장 질환)
신장 질환 짝퉁가방 환자를위한 식단
(급성 신염 이뇨제 35-55g 단백질 식사)
모닝 토스트 75g, 프렌치 샐러드 100g, 계란 후라이 50g, 홍차
점심 김밥 360g, 시금치 허브 85g
스낵 딸기 젤리 160g

저녁 300g, 두부 고추 200g, * 고구마와 사과 양념 150g, 무 생야채 50g
영양 표준 칼로리 2,040Cal, 단백질 53g, 나트륨 4,300mg, 칼륨 1,450mg
재료와 조리법
고구마 -80g, 사과 -1/2, 버터 -1 작은 술, 설탕 -1 큰술
고구마를 껍질을 벗기고 찬물에 담근다.
사과는 깍둑 썰기하고 고구마는 삶아서 으깬다.
으깬 고구마에 버터와 기업인터넷 설탕을 골고루 섞습니다.
던져진 고구마와 사과를 섞어 접시에 담습니다.
음식을 선택할 때
곡물 및 설탕-칼로리 명품짝퉁 보충을 위해 제한없이 사용하지만

단백질이 극도로 제한된 경우
 소량의 동물성 단백질을 섭취하기 위해 양이 제한되어 있으며,

 이는 곡물 쇠고기의 단백질보다 품질이 높습니다.
특히 빵은 베이킹 파우더, 소금 등의 첨가물 사용을

 제한하여 집에서 만들어집니다.

(저 단백 밀가루를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.) 

감자, 토란, 고구마도 좋습니다.
그들은 부족한 칼로리를 보충하기 위해 순수한

설탕 식품 인 설탕과 같은 설탕을 많이 섭취합니다.
오랫동안 먹으면 질리기 쉽기 때문에 달지 않고

칼로리 보충제 인 인터넷설치 카롤라이나를 사용하는 것이 좋다.
유지류-혈압에 이상이 없으면 식물성, 동물성 모두 좋다.
소금이 극도로 제한되어 있다면 버터, 마가린, 마요네즈를 피하십시오.