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Boiled green chilli pepper diabetes type 당뇨병 식단 풋고추 병어조림

Diet for diabetics (1,800 Cal)


Breakfast rice 250g, mallow soup 210g, raw vegetables 200g,

green pepper stew 120g, milk 180cc

Lunch Soba 210g, Steamed Egg 100g, Eggplant Stir-Fried, Egg Milk 140g


Dinner 100g, Beef Grilled with Wine 80g, French Salad

Nutritional standard calories 1,800Cal, protein 80g, fat 54g, sugar 262g

Ingredients and recipes


Poultry-50g, green pepper-10g, seasoning

Trim the poultry and put in a sheath at 2cm intervals.

Remove the spigot and  wash the green pepper.


To make seasoning, put the chopped green onion, chopped garlic,

sesame salt, and red chili pepper in the soy sauce.

Put the poultry and green pepper in a pot, sprinkle with

seasoning and simmer so that it does not burn.

Common sense of diabetes

Arteriosclerosis progresses 10 years faster than healthy people with diabetes.

Hardening of blood vessels is easy enough to occur, especially

hardening of vascular arteries in the legs

 Therefore, minor wounds on the tip of the toes are

easily purged and seldom healed.

Diabetes patients are advised to do diet therapy

and moderate exercise vitamint.kr/ at the same time.

When you exercise, a lot of sugar is consumed in

the body, which lowers blood sugar and is effective in weight control.


There are many exercises, but the best is the full body exercise

that can be done every day without any tools anywhere.

In other words, walking exercise, jogging, swimming, and gymnastics are good.

15~30 minutes per time is adequate, and twice a day is good.

당뇨병 환자를위한 식단

 (1,800 Cal)
아침밥 250g, 아욱국 210g, 생야채 200g, * 피망 찌개 120g, 우유 180cc
점심 소바 210g, 계란 찜 100g, 가지 볶음, 계란 우유 140g
저녁 100g, 소고기 구이 80g, 프렌치 샐러드
영양 표준 칼로리 1,800Cal, 짝퉁가방 단백질 80g, 지방 54g, 설탕 262g
재료와 조리법
가금류 -50g, 피망 -10g, 조미료
가금류를 손질하고 2cm 간격으로 칼집에 넣습니다.
마개를 제거하고 피망을 씻으십시오.
양념은 다진 파, 다진 마늘, 참깨 소금, 고추를 간장에 넣는다.
가금류와 풋고추를 냄비에 넣고 양념을 뿌려 타지 않도록 끓인다.

(당뇨병의 상식)
동맥 경화증은 건강한 당뇨병 환자보다 10 년 더 빨리 진행됩니다.
혈관 경화, 특히 다리의 혈관 동맥 경화가 쉽게 발생할 수 있습니다.
 따라서 발가락 끝의 사소한 명품이미테이션 상처는 쉽게 제거되고 거의 치유되지 않습니다.
당뇨병 환자는 다이어트 요법과 적당한 운동을 동시에하는 것이 좋습니다.
운동을하면 체내에서 다량의 당분이 소모되어 혈당을 낮추고 기업인터넷 체중 조절에 효과적입니다.
많은 운동이 있지만 가장 인터넷설치 좋은 것은 어디서나 도구없이 매일 할 수있는 전신 운동입니다.
즉, 걷기 운동, 조깅, 수영, 체조가 좋다. 시간당 15 ~ 30 분 정도면 충분하고 하루에 두 번이면 좋습니다.