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A good herbal report for Tohohokan hemoptysis. 각혈 야재 보고서

Good medicine for hemoptysis-wolfberry root, figs, onions, silgosari, zelkova

Medicine for hemoptysis




Blood comes out from the lungs and bronchial mucosa due to lung disease.


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Decoction the roots of wolfberry (jigorupi)

It is effective to drink as follows.

It has the effect of reproducing fig fruits.

Clean the pool with the spores of Syrgosari and clean the spores.


There is a special effect when you drink 2g of trembling each time before eating.

Boiling onions and eating raw corals will help.

When you decoct and dry about 10 g of zelkova flowers and fruits

Effective, stir the flowers, create flour, gums and


It is very effective to apply when bleeding from the tongue.

It is effective even if you rinse your mouth with Tengam's juice or dilute it with water.


Add chive salt and boil and eat. cctv설치

Eat grated apples floating in overprotection.

It is effective to eat radish with honey.

It is effective to take squid bone powder in 2 doncium.


Seika lewd (Kureki Shigeinto)-when hematemesis continues and weakens

Chungmun-dong (Tianmen winter) Yablan (fumen winter)


Senjihwan (cloth black) Modern coat (peony skin).

Yellow peony (red scabbard). Sanchija (Yamasuko)

Huangren (Huangren) Sanyak (Yamagu).

Sanshuyu (Yamasake) Omodaka (Sawataki). Jokbo Kryon


(red oyster bamboo) Licorice (liquorice)

Cut each 7 minutes into small pieces, make 1 teaspoon,

decoct with water, add urine for children and take.

Sexually ill person (Saiko)-when hemoptysis is accompanied by a cough

40 eggs of passers-by (apricot kernel),

Giant Pichum Yonsei University Donhuang Napucho

Qing 1 When making money like chitoso mochi and using it

Peel it little by little into one dried persimmon and wrap

it in a wetland (Kamabashi paper).

Bake it into powder and eat it like mimium.

각혈 구기자 뿌리, 무화과, 양파, 실고사리, 느티 나무에 좋은 약
각혈 치료제

 폐 질환으로 인해 폐와 기관지 점막에서 피가 나옵니다.

wolfberry (jigorupi)의 뿌리를 달임
다음과 같이 마시는 것이 효과적입니다.
무화과 열매를 번식시키는 효과가 있습니다. 짝퉁가방
Syrgosari의 포자로 수영장을 청소하고 포자를 청소하십시오.
먹기 전에 매번 떨림 2g을 마시면 특별한 효과가 있습니다.
양파를 끓이고 생 산호를 먹는 것이 도움이 될 것입니다.
느티 나무 꽃과 열매 약 10g을 달여 말리면
효과적이고, 꽃을 저어주고, 밀가루, 잇몸을 만들고
혀에서 출혈 할 때 적용하는 것이 매우 효과적입니다.
텡감 주스로 입안을 헹구거나 물에 희석해도 효과적입니다.
골파 소금을 넣고 끓여 먹습니다.
과잉 보호에 떠 다니는 강판 사과 먹기.
무를 꿀과 함께 먹는 것이 효과적입니다.
오징어 뼈 가루를 2 동치 움으로 섭취하면 효과적입니다.

음란 한 세이카 (쿠 레키 시게 인 토)-조혈이 계속되고 약해질 때
충 문동 (천문동) 야 블란 (복면 동) 센 지환 (검은 천) 모던 코트 (모란 피부).
노란 모란 (붉은 칼집). Sanchija (Yamasuko) Huangren (Huangren) Sanyak (Yamagu).
산 슈유 (야마 사케) 오모 다카 (사와 타키). 족보 크룡 (빨강 죽) 감초 (감초)  7 분마다 작은 조각으로 자르고 1 작은 술을 만들어 물에 달여서 어린 이용 소변을 더해 드십시오.

성병 (사이코)-객혈에 기침이 동반되는 경우
통행인의 알 40 알 (살구 알), 자이언트 피쿰 연세대 학교 돈황 나 푸초
Qing 1 치토 소떡처럼 돈을 벌고 사용할 때 곶감으로 조금씩 껍질을 벗기고 습지 

(가마 바시 지)에 싸서갑니다.
가루로 구워 미 미움처럼 드세요.