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Vegetable type efficacy report. 채소 종류 효능 보고서

Red pepper frostbite prevention, cold, pain for pain

Add two or three drops of vinegar to 1 don of red pepper powder, pour it into boiled water, and drink.

Spinach Spinach lung disease, thirst diabetes, anemia with headache.

Washing raw spinach and roots cleanly to extract juice and drink

 3 to 5 times a day, the effect is very great. It is completely relieved

when taken for a long time
Wave breast swelling, tooth decay, tooth decay, when there is

little milk, local neuralgia, poor urine

It clears the blood, pain relief and hemostasis. It is good to stick

reen onions, and when the stomach cctv설치 is weak, mix it with sewage and

take it with boiling water.
Ginger children's game, epilepsy, classmates, edema, bruises, cold 

stomach, loss of appetite, inability to constipation, indigestion, anemia, cold pain
Cut 12g of ginger and boil it in alum and take it between meals three times a day.

 Mugwort back pain, asthma, nosebleeds, bleeding from hemorrhoids, high blood pressure
Decoction 3g mugwort and 0.54 liters of water and drink.
 Anti-inflammatory, pain relief of onion burns, poison insect bites, hair growth agents

Apply the juice.
Dry uterine cancer, stomach cancer
Add 0.7 liters of water to 5 dried dried fruits, 20g of beonhaeng, 20g of adlay,

9g of local vinegar, and 20g of Cassia tora. Decoction in half and drink before meals.
Carrot Old dysentery and colitis, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal weakness .

Stir-fry carrot seeds yellow and drink 7g of ginger tea each before meals.

Bake carrots in embers and take half-root each for a long time before meals.
Cucumber edema, abdominal soreness, indigestion, dysentery.

Cucumbers are cold, so eating a lot is harmful. Add 1 old cucumber,

1 cup of vinegar, and 3 bowls of water and drink.
Garlic pinworm remedy, stomach acid excess, gastric weakness, liver

weakness, tuberculosis, pleurisy
Take 1.8 liters of soju, 200g of garlic, and 250g of white sugar


after 3-6 months after sealing.
Cabbage duodenal ulcer
Mix cabbage juice with carrot juice and drink it every day for 2-3 weeks.
Pumpkin insomnia
Pumpkin contains carbohydrates, fats, protein, starch, ash, sugar,

fiber, carotene, and vitamins A.B1.B2.C. Parsley If menstruation

appears in advance or the color is purple, it can cause bleeding

of the woman and five colors. cure

Cut a bunch of water parsley, pour 2 bowls of water and boil.

When the water is reduced to 1/3, lie down and drink 3 times a day before meals.
When your mouth is dry and your nose bursts
Add 5-6 bowls of water to 600-200g of scrubber and 75g of ginger,

boil for 3 hours, and drink as if drinking tea from time to time.

Non-incidental coal gas poisoning, relief, asthma, excessive

stomach acid, colon bleeding
When eaten raw, digestion is better, and when eaten with juice, hemostasis,

 disinfection, and fever.

Cabbage alopecia, when the heat in the hands and feet is severe, drunkenness
Make juice with cabbage leaves and take 1 cup between meals for a long time.
Hemorrhoids, external internal injuries, tooth decay, hair loss

Boil 2

 geun (1.2kg) of raw leek, steam from the water, and wash with the water several times.
Lettuce male and female genital boil, bloody eyes, hangover, uterine bleeding
Lettuce juice is applied to the affected area or taken.

Old diarrhea, dysentery, uterus drainage, protrusion of sound

and lake, food poisoning, nipple rupture
Eggplant and root burned 1 Donjung is mixed with alcohol and

sugar, mixed with water, and taken 2-3 times a day.
Potato gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, bronchial asthma, allergic predisposition
Put 5 potatoes and 1 onion in 3 hops of water and decoction over low heat.

Take 1 cup of coffee at a time before meals.

고추 동상 예방, 감기, 통증 통증
고춧가루 1 돈에 식초 2 ~ 3 방울을 넣고 끓인 물에 부어 마신다.
시금치 폐 질환, 갈증 당뇨병, 두통이있는 빈혈.
생 시금치와 뿌리를 깨끗이 씻어 주스를 추출하고 하루에 3 ~ 5 회 마시면 효과가 매우 큽니다. 장시간 복용하면 완전히 안심
웨이브 유방 부종, 충치, 충치, 우유 부족, 국소 신경통, 소변 불량
혈액, 통증 완화 및 지혈을 제거합니다. 파를 붙이는 것이 좋으며, 배가 약할 때는 하수와 섞어 끓는 물에 가져 가십시오.
생강 어린이 게임, 간질, 동급생, 부종, 타박상, 추위, 식욕 부진, 변비 장애, 소화 불량, 빈혈, 감기 통증
생강 12g을 썰어 명반에 삶아 하루에 짝퉁가방 세 번씩 식간에 섭취한다.
 쑥 요통, 천식, 코피, 치질 출혈, 고혈압
쑥 3g과 물 0.54 리터를 달여 마신다.
 항 염증, 양파 화상 통증 완화, 독 벌레 물림, 모발 성장 제
주스를 바르십시오.
건성 자궁암, 위암
말린 과일 5 개, 번행 20g, 애들 레이 20g, 향토 식초 9g, 카시아 토라 20g에 물 0.7 리터를 넣는다. 반으로 달여서 식사 전에 마신다.
당근 오래된 이질 및 대장염, 식욕 부진, 위장 쇠약
당근 씨를 노랗게 볶고 식전 생강차 7g을 마 십니다. 불씨에 당근을 굽고 식사 전에 오랫동안 각각 절반 뿌리를 가져옵니다.

오이 부종, 복통, 소화 불량, 이질
오이는 차가워서 많이 먹으면 해 롭습니다. 오래된 오이 1 개, 식초 1 컵, 물 3 그릇을 넣고 마신다.
마늘 요충 치료제, 위산 과잉, 위력 약화, 간 약화, 결핵, 흉막염
봉인 후 3 ~ 6 개월 후 소주 1.8 리터, 마늘 200g, 백설탕 250g을 섭취한다.
양배추 십이지장 궤양
양배추 주스와 당근 주스를 섞어 2-3 주 동안 매일 마신다.
호박 불면증
호박에는 탄수화물, 지방, 단백질, 전분, 회분, 설탕, 섬유질, 카로틴 및 비타민 A.B1.B2.C가 포함되어 있습니다. 파슬리 월경이 미리 나타나거나 색이 보라색이면 여성의 출혈과 오색을 유발할 수 있습니다. 치료법
물 미나리 한 무리를 자르고 물 두 그릇을 부은 다음 끓입니다. 물이 1/3로 줄어들면 하루에 3 번 누워서 식전에 마신다.
입이 마르고 코가 터질 때

수세미 600 ~ 1200g과 생강 75g에 물 5 ~ 6 그릇을 넣고 3 시간 동안 끓여서 가끔 차를 마시는 것처럼 마신다.
우발적 석탄 가스 중독, 완화, 천식, 과도한 위산, 결장 출혈
날 것으로 먹으면 소화가 더 좋고 주스, 지혈, 소독, 열과 함께 먹으면 더 좋습니다.
양배추 탈모증, 손발의 열이 심할 때 술 취함
배추 잎으로 즙을 내고 식간에 1 컵을 길게 드세요.
치질, 외상, 충치, 탈모
대파 2 근 (1.2kg)을 끓여 물에 찐 다음 물로 여러 번 씻는다.
상추 남녀 생식기 종기, 피눈물, 숙취, 자궁 출혈
상추 주스는 감염된 부위에 바르거나 섭취합니다.
오래된 설사, 이질, ​​자궁 배액, 소리 나 호수 돌출, 식중독, 유두 파열
가지와 뿌리 태움 1 돈정에 술과 설탕을 섞어 물에 섞어 하루에 2 ~ 3 회 복용한다.
감자 위궤양, 십이지장 궤양, 기관지 천식, 알레르기 성향
물 3 홉에 감자 5 개와 양파 1 개를 넣고 약한 불로 달여주세요. 식사 전에 한 번에 한 잔의 커피를 마시십시오.