must eat place

Leaf efficacy 나뭇잎의 효능에 대해서

Good speed 2020. 8. 27. 09:10

mulberry leaves

mulberry leaf menopausal disorder, anemia

10g dried mulberry leaves, 10g dried cranesbil and 5g seedless seeds

Decoction with 1 doe of water and drinking instead of hot tea is effective.

Pine leaves

Pine leaf hypertension,cctv설치 stroke, pulmonary tuberculosis

Wash pine needles, cut them into 1cm, 5 hops of water,

Put it in a bottle with 300g of sugar, close the cap, and place it in

a sunny place for about 10-20 days.

The effect is very great if you take Songyeopju, which was

filtered from the it 짝퉁가방 fermented drug after being placed, for a long period of 1 to 2 years.


Pear tree leaf

pear tree leaf cystitis

Put 5 bowls of water on the pear tree and decoction it.

It is very good to warm it three times a day before meals and drink one cup at a time.


maidenhair tree

maidenhair tree asthma, Geodam, Chibaektak (Gangjeong)

Burn or boil seeds to take.

뽕나무 잎

뽕잎 갱년기 장애, 빈혈

말린 뽕나무 잎 10g, 말린 크레인 빌 10g, 씨없는 씨앗 5g

뜨거운 차 대신 물 1 도루로 달여 마시면 효과적입니다.

소나무 잎

소나무 잎 고혈압, 뇌졸중, 폐결핵

솔잎을 씻어서 1cm 썰고 물 5 홉,

설탕 300g 든 병에 담아 뚜껑을 닫고 햇볕이 잘 드는 곳에 10 ~ 20 일 정도 둔다.

발효 약물에서 걸러 낸 송엽주를 1 ~ 2 년의 장기간 복용하면 효과가 매우 큽니다.

배나무 잎

배나무 잎 방광염

배나무에 물 5 개를 넣고 달여주세요.

식사 전에 하루에 세 번 데워서 한 잔씩 마시면 아주 좋습니다.

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