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Tofu hot pot (diabetic diet) diet 두부전골 당뇨병식 조리법

Good speed 2020. 8. 23. 12:10

Diet for diabetics (1,800 Cal)


Breakfast hamburger sandwich 150g, cabbage salad 150g, milk 180cc

Lunch Barley Rice 200g, *Tofu Hot Pot 210g, Green Pepper Steamed 130g,

Seaweed Cucumber Seasoned 80g, Water Kimchi


Liver tuna sandwich 2 pages, orange juice 160cc


Dinner bean sprout rice 280g, clam miso soup 150g, liver roast 70g,

cucumber sprouts 60g,, milk 180cc

Nutritional standard calories 1,800Cal, protein 90g, fat 60g, sugar 224g


Ingredients and recipes


Tofu-1/2 head, egg-10g, carrot-10g, parsley-60g, beef-20g, onion-20g,


Green onion -1/2, shiitake mushroom -1 sheet, stone

mushroom -1 sheet, salt, soybean oil, soy sauce


Slice the tofu into 5mm thick, sprinkle

with salt, and cctv설치 season to prevent crumbs.

Finely chop beef and season with soy sauce, chopped green onions,

garlic, pepper powder, and sesame oil.


Put the minced meat between the two tofu pieces

and stick it in a sandwich shape


Tie lightly around the band with the stems of

parsley boiled in blue.


Soak the stone mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms in water,

then slice them into thin pieces.


Chop thickly and cut the remaining water parsley into 5cm long strips.

Shred the green onions and onions and spread them under the hot pot.

Put the tofu of ③ on top, and make the ingredients and egg of

④ laugh. Pour the seasoned soy sauce with soy sauce and boil.




Points to note when eating out


Choose a dish that contains evenly food and is easy to pay attention to.


Do not duplicate the same nutrients in one meal.


Avoid dishes that use a lot of sugar or Chinese dishes that use a lot of oil, starch, and flour.


당뇨병 환자를위한 식단 (1,800 Cal)
아침 햄버거 샌드위치 150g, 양배추 샐러드 150g, 우유 180cc
점심 보리밥 200g, * 두부 전골 210g, 풋고추 찜 130g, 미역 오이 양념 80g, 물 김치
간 참치 샌드위치 2 페이지, 오렌지 주스 160cc
저녁 콩나물 밥 280g, 바지락 된장국 150g, 간구이 70g, 오이 콩나물 60g, 김치, 우유 180cc
영양 표준 칼로리 1,800Cal, 짝퉁가방단백질 90g, 지방 60g, 설탕 224g
재료와 조리법
두부 -1/2 머리, 계란 -10g, 당근 -10g, 파슬리 -60g, 소고기 -20g, 양파 -20g,
파 -1/2, 표고 버섯 -1 장, 돌 버섯 -1 장, 소금, 콩기름, 간장
두부는 5mm 두께로 썰고 소금을 뿌려 부스러기가 생기지 않도록 간을한다.
쇠고기는 잘게 다지고 간장, 다진 파, 마늘, 고춧가루, 참기름으로 간을합니다.
두부 사이에 다진 고기를 넣고 샌드위치 모양으로 붙입니다
파란색으로 삶은 파슬리 인터넷설치  줄기로 밴드 주위를 가볍게 묶습니다.
석이 버섯과 표고 버섯을 물에 불린 다음 얇게 썰어줍니다.
두껍게 썰고 남은 미나리는 5cm 길이로 자릅니다.
파와 양파를 잘게 썰어 냄비 밑에 펴 발라줍니다.
③의 두부를 얹고 ④의 재료와 계란을 웃게한다. 양념 간장에 간장을 넣고 끓인다.

외식시주의 사항
음식이 고르게 들어 있고주의하기 쉬운 요리를 선택하십시오.
한 끼에 동일한 명품이미테이션 영양소를 복제하지 마십시오.
설탕을 많이 사용하는 요리 나 기름, 전분, 밀가루를 많이 사용하는 중국 요리는 피하십시오.