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Parsley vinegar seasoning (gallbladder, pancreatitis) 미나리 초무침 췌장염 식단 담낭 식단

Good speed 2020. 8. 22. 19:23

Parsley vinegar seasoning (gallbladder, pancreatitis)

Diet for patients with gallbladder and pancreatitis after Venus

(Stopping method)

7:00 Lemon milk

Morning white porridge 300g, *water parsley vinegar 100g,

shiitake mushroom white steamed 100g, white meat boiled fish 130g, nabak kimchi

Lunch white porridge 200g, Tangmyeon soup 130g,

Beef Wanji steamed 120g, Green 랜공사 pumpkin sprouts 60g, Nabak kimchi


1 snack banana

Dinner 200g, clear fish stew 130g, fishing boat 110g, kimchi,

boiled lotus root 70g, seasoned shrimp seaweed vinegar


Fatty Skim Milk 100cc, Jam Sandwich 30g

Nutritional standard 명품이미테이션 calories 1,800Cal, sugar 260g

105 g protein, 35 g fat Ingredients and recipes

Water parsley -40g, bean sprouts -30g, bamboo shoot -30g, vinegar, sugar, salt

Blanch water parsley with a little salt in boiling water.

Choose a soft bamboo shoot and cut it into a comb shape.

Blanch bean sprouts and rinse in cold water.

Use a little vinegar, sugar and salt to make vinegar and mix all ingredients together.


Cholelithiasis-In the past, bilirubin stones caused by roundworms

There were many, but among the 짝퉁가방 people whose dietary life changed a lot to the Western style,

There are many cholesterol-based stones that are caused by oil.


To prevent gallstones, avoid overwork, too much sugar, lack of vitamin B1,

Avoid excessive dietary forms인터넷설치 of fat, promote intestinal movement, and avoid constipation.

미나리 무침 담당 그리고 췌장 식단관리


파슬리 식초 조미료 (갈반 사다리, 췌장염)
금성 후 담낭 및 췌장염 환자를위한 식단
(정지 방법)
7:00 레몬 우유
아침 백죽 300g, * 물 파슬리 식초 100g, 표고 버섯 백찜 100g, 흰살 삶은 생선 130g, 나 박김치
점심 백죽 200g, 탕면 국 130g, 소완 지찜 120g, 청호 박나물 60g, 나 박김치
스낵 바나나 1 개
저녁 200g, 청어 찌개 130g, 어선 110g, 김치, 연근 조림 70g, 새우 조림 식초
탈지유 100cc, 잼 샌드위치 30g
영양 기준 열량 1,800Cal, 설탕 260g
단백질 105g, 지방 35g
재료와 조리법
미나리 -40g, 콩나물 -30g, 죽순 -30g, 식초, 설탕, 소금

끓는 물에 약간의 소금을 넣고 미나리를 데 친다.
부드러운 죽순을 골라 빗 모양으로 자른다.
콩나물을 데치고 찬물에 헹굽니다.
약간의 식초, 설탕, 소금을 사용하여 식초를 만들고 모든 재료를 섞습니다.

담석증-과거에는 회충에 의한 빌리루빈 결석
많았지 만 식생활이 서양식으로 많이 바뀐 사람들 중에는
기름으로 인한 콜레스테롤 기반 결석이 많이 있습니다.
담석을 예방하려면 과로, 과도한 설탕, 비타민 B1 부족,
과도한식이 성 지방을 피하고 장 운동을 촉진하며 변비를 피하십시오.