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Donguibogam freckle good food report 기미에 좋은 식품 보고서

Good medicine for spots-pearl barley, eggplant,

morning glory, persimmon, red beans, dandelion, oyato (plum), pak (section)

Good medicine for spots



It is not usually noticeable, but it is clearly

displayed when there is fatigue or stress, and the skin peels

or itches. Especially during the 3rd to 4th month of pregnancy,

there is no painful illness that appears mainly, but it is

a symptom of considerable concern for women.

Previous room


It is effective if you eat Suo, which dies for

long periods in Yurumusal.


Sengajji is cut off and it rubs occasionally.

It has a special effect when the leaves of the persimmon


tree are decoction and drink well instead of tea.

It has the effect of applying Asogami-san's powder

2 overprotection to 1 egg white so that it may be

massaged 4-5 times before going to bed.

The spots are crushed and the

spots that are often applied disappear.


Eating plums (Oyato) and sometimes

applying juice to the skin will eliminate the stains.


Pak (section) is cut into small pieces,

seeds are added, and sake and water are added in a bandeau.

The dandelion leaves and the stems

are cut off and the juice flowing out disappears.

Stratified Sungi Yu (Okiwa Junkiyu

-5 colors on the face with blemishes

Kakkon 1 Dongbang, horse riding (Soma).


White paper (white herbs) Windproof (windproof) 1 money each,

Fungi (black ) 8 minutes, Korean ginseng (Ginseng) 7 minutes,


Licorice (licorice) 4 minutes, Baekjeak (white scabbard) 3 minutes

vitamint.kr each 3 ginger, jujube Eat two pieces with water. 

(Between breakfast and lunch is good.)


Jade Allowance Trial Calculation (Tamayo Nishi Shisan)-Face

Detection by Stain In Ozil Application

Two green beans (green soybean flour) and a white paper

(white grass). Baekgupu. 


fleet1.tistory.com Bekryum. Began Gun Jam (Shirakage). 

Bekubuja (Shirofuzi) Thousands rich (Tenfuzi).

Chongfabun (Ten pollen) 1 each, Spikenard (Amamatsu)


3 Anti-Magnetic (Sannoko). Mohyan (Kayaka) for 5 money each,

Yingling incense (Zeroling incense) windbreak (windproof)

secondhand book (straw book) for 2 money each, non-engraving

(Fertilizer corner)

2 tablets powder, wash your face with beads As clear.

기미에 좋은 식품
반점 진주 보리, 가지, 나팔꽃, 감, 팥, 민들레,
오야 토 (매화), 박 (단면)에 좋은 약
반점에 좋은 약

보통 눈에 띄지 않지만 피로 나 스트레스, 피부가 벗겨 지거나
가려울 때 선명하게 나타납니다. 특히 임신 3 ~ 4 개월에 주
나타나는 통증은 없지만 여성들에게 상당한 걱정거리가되는 증상입니다.

유루 무살에서 오래 죽는 수 오를 먹으면 효과적입니다.
센 가지는 잘려서 가끔 문지른다.기업인터넷
감나무 잎이 달여서 차 대신 잘 마실 때 특별한 효과가 있습니다.
계란 흰자 1 개에 아소가 미산 파우더 2 과보호를 발
 잠자리에 들기 전에 4 ~ 5 회 마사지하는 효과가 있습니다.

반점이 뭉개지고 자주 바르는 반점이 사라집니다. 짝퉁가방
매실 (오야 토)을 먹고 때로는 피부에 주스를 바르면 얼룩이 제거됩니다.
박 (단면)을 작은 조각으로 자르고 씨앗을 넣고 술과 물을 반도에 넣습니다.
민들레 잎과 줄기가 잘리고 흘러 나오는 즙이 사라진다.

층화 된 숭 기유 (오키와 준 키유) 얼굴에 잡티가있는 5 색
깍곤 1 동방, 승마 (소마). 백지 (백지) 방풍 (방풍) 각 1 돈,
진균 (검정 ) 8 분, 고려 인삼 (인삼) 7 분, 감초 (감초) 4 분,

백제 (흰 칼집) 각 3 분 생강, 대추 3 분 물에 두 조각.

(아침과 점심 사이가 좋습니다.)

Jade Allowance Trial Calculation (Tamayo Nishi Shisan)-Ozil 응용
프로그램에서 얼룩에 의한 얼굴 감지
두 개의 녹색 콩 (녹색 콩가루)과 흰 종이 (흰 풀). 백구 푸 (흰색 
백련. 건잼 (시라 카게) 시작. Bekubuja (Shirofuzi) 수천명의 부자 (Tenfuzi).
총 파분 (꽃가루 10 개) 각 1 개, 스 피케 나르 (아마 마츠) 3 개 항 자기 (산노 코).
 Mohyan (Kayaka) 각 5 돈, Yingling 향 (제로 링 향) 방풍 (방풍) 중고 책 (밀짚 책
 각 2 돈, 비 조각 (비료 코너) 2 정 분말, 비즈로 얼굴을 씻으십시오.